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August 16, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – August 16, 2016 – 5:10 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
        5:45 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc., John Kowaleski, and residents in attendance.
Stan announced that the meeting was being recorded.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to approve the minutes for August 9th.
Authorize any payments required
        Marty presented the $39,780.10 invoice from PMLD, which had been previously approved under a full authorization for all PMLD Make-Ready work.
Make ready updates
        Marty said that PMLD is half way between the pole sets. The subcontractor did not have the bucket truck last week as anticipated, for “kicks and cuts” as described in last week’s meeting, therefore the work has not been completed but is expected to take place next week. Subcontractor has mentioned that they have hit a lot of ledge, specifically on Thompson Road.
Updates on Design/Engineering contract
         Phil Leaman explained that they have been discussing/reviewing the product list (electronics and fiber) with Fujitsu and Graybar. Stan mentioned that yesterday he sent the Advisory Committee a 3 page PowerPoint from Graybar and Corning that talked about the backbone (not the laterals). George Handy asked for more clarification for the documents sent to him. John K provided clarification. Kathy Conway asked if there would be a plan for the $4.8 million. Stan indicated that we would, also indicating that the financial information is on the website. Matt Russell indicated that there are deep and detailed discussions on the project and the planning.
Survey Results presentation by Louis DiNatale
        At about 6:10 PM Lou went over the phone survey results, with a sample of 300 residents.
Updates on potential materials and services procurement
         None at this time.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
        None at this time.
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
        Stan mentioned that Edie will be attending the next marketing meeting. Phil Gransewicz asked if the presentation slides would be available in advance of the Informational Meetings. The PBMLP indicated that they would if they were available before-hand.
Discussion on Matrix Proposal & request to speak at FTTH Information sessions
        Jon mentioned that in order to establish an agreement that the negotiation begins first, specific issues that are important (i.e. design acceptable to the town, inspections during construction to confirm quality, adequate service, option to buy at a certain cost). Jon mentioned that he was aware that there would be a communication to the Town residents from Matrix through a mailer, and that he spoke with the Town Treasurer in Hingham and got a copy of the exception to the Mass General Law which requires meaningful control. Jon referenced an email exchange on the subject of meaningful control between Bond Counsel, the Town of Princeton’s Town Treasurer, and the Town Administrator. Jon mentioned that he signed an Non-Disclosure Agreement and reviewed Matrix’s financial statements and feels that the statements are strong (very little debt, very good cash flow, very good distributions to related parties and owners). He mentioned that when Marty and he met with Leverett they really didn’t have anything positive to say about Matrix, and that he spoke with Matrix and they have a very different opinion of the account of events.
        Stan mentioned that the Matrix proposal requires that the Town pay the pole attachment fees to Verizon and referenced requirements in the pole attachment agreement. He estimates that this would be $100,000. Described his concern about Matrix’s proposal to serve underground facilities (Country Lane, Snow Pond, and Clearings, etc.). Referenced that the Department of Telecommunications and Cable has stated in writing that Matrix has a lack of experience.
        Chris Lynch asked if Matrix would be able to speak at the informational meetings. Discussion continued on this matter.
        John K asked if Jon F would want to have control over the design if Comcast were to propose providing service to the Town. Jon said that he believed that the voters need to know all the information. Edie said that in the past Jon referenced that Matrix was not viable because they were not forthcoming.
Updates on Comcast & Cable/Internet Take Rates for surrounding towns
         Marty updated the Board that Comcast is having difficulty scheduling a meeting given vacations, but that they plan to have information for the public prior to September 13th.
        Judy Dino expressed her support for the use of the informational meetings to present Fiber to the Home built by the Town.
Stan made a motion to not permit Matrix to speak at the informational sessions. After some discussion Stan withdrew his motion.
Darcy mentioned that she was concerned that the financials for Matrix could not be disclosed.
New Business
Old Business
Public Comment
        See above.

5:44 PM – PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Survey results and email between Bond Counsel/Town Treasurer/Town Administrator.

Minutes Approved on August 23, 2016